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Genetic research operates in an international environment, from the exchange of discoveries to the regulation of use. Includes: regulation, trade, and the history of these areas.

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Web Sites

Biotechnology in Food and Agriculture, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations , (2007)

The FAO, a United Nations organization which monitors and advises member countries about developments in biotechnology, provides a number of resources through their site.

Of particular interest are recommendations for international guidelines for safety assessment of foods and food components made by recombinant DNA methods.

Also, check out the glossary of biotechnology and genetic engineering; get overviews of biotechnology in crops, fisheries, or other sectors; follow some of the many links to outside sites; or participate in the FAO Electronic Forum on Biotechnology in Food and Agriculture.

World Conservation Union (IUCN), World Conservation Union , (2007)

For more than half a century IUCN has engaged state and government members, non-government organizations and scientists from around the world in conservation issues. The group takes a global approach to conserving biodiversity. Their site includes news, resource and publication lists, articles and weblinks — and many contain information on genetics. Make sure to see the famous IUCN "redlist" of species threatened with extinction.