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Journal Articles

Potential Biohazards of Recombinant DNA Molecules, Paul Berg , Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 07/1974, Volume 71, Number 7, p.2593-4, (1974)
This original call for a moratorium on recombinant DNA research, written by Paul Berg, is known as "The Asilomar Declaration."

Web Articles

Patents and Genomic Medicine, David P. Lentini; Stephen A. Bent , (2004)
A biotech lawyer explains that it's not just patents on genes, but also patents on the technologies used to manipulate and study them, that could slow development of new drugs.

Web Sites

Access Excellence: About Biotech, National Health Museum , (2007)
Want to learn what biomining is? Ever heard of Herman the Bull? Head over to this educational site run by the National Health Museum (and originally created by biotech giant Genentech), and find out different ways that companies are applying genetic technology to everything from livestock to orchids. Along with information on careers in biotech, you can find articles on bioethics and a good section on the history of biotechnology from 6000 BC to today.
Genewatch, Council for Responsible Genetics , Boston, MA, p.v., (2007)
The Council for Responsible Genetics (CRG) Web site covers scientific, medical and bioethical issues from the perspective of the organization's goals to promote public debate and to advocate for socially responsible use of new technologies. Tables of contents and selected articles are available on the site.